Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Christmas Card Workshop!

Get all your Christmas cards done in a snap. Go home with beautiful handmade cards -- ten each of two to four designs of your choice. As always, most everything is pre-cut and ready to assemble. This workshop is done in an assembly line fashion, in order to make ten of each design in a timely manner. In order to keep the overlap of supplies used to a minimum, each card design can only be used twice. Designs will be chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis -- so sign up now to get your favorite designs.

For a downloadable flyer of the workshop (pdf format), please click here. To see a close-up of all the individual designs available, please click here.

It has been quite a while since I've held a workshop (due to being diagnosed with a chronic illness and subsequently adjusting to it), so I'm going to go over a few basics regarding this Christmas Card Workshop for everyone who is new or as a gentle reminder for everyone else. :-)

  • How many cards can I make? You can decide to make 20, 30 or 40 cards. Your choice! Simply select 2, 3 or 4 designs, and your cost is adjusted accordingly.
  • What size are the cards? All the cards are a standard size (4-1/4"x5-1/2") and come with envelopes.
  • Why are the designs limited to two people each workshop? Designs are limited to keep the overlap of supplies used to a minimum, in order to keep the workshop moving since we are making ten of each design.
  • Do I have to cut all the individual pieces? Most everything is pre-cut and ready to assemble, except where noted on the individual design sheet (mainly if you are stamping and then cutting something out).
  • Why do you need a RSVP date? The RSVP date is the last day to reserve your spot and get the payment for the workshop to me. I need time to order the supplies, get them back to me, and then get everything cut and ready to go for the workshop.
  • Why are workshop fees non-refundable? I am ordering multiple quantities of lots of supplies. I simply can't afford such a large quantity of supplies or need such a quantity myself. If for some reason you are unable to attend, the kit will be packaged for you to finish at your own convenience or a make-up date can be arranged.
  • What happens if the class fills up? I do keep an eye on how many people are participating, to ensure there is enough space for everyone to work comfortably. If the dates fill up, I'll simply open another date/time.
  • Can a group of people schedule their own workshop? Sure! Simply contact me, and we'll work on finding a date/time mutually convenient.
  • Can I bring my child(ren) to the event? These workshops are fun "me-times" for many people, so please make other arrangements for childcare. (Breastfeeding babies are an exception.)
  • Can my child(ren) sign up for the workshop? If they are at least a teenager and able to work on their projects without assistance.

If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask! I hope to see you all at the Christmas Card Workshop!


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